Oilcon Ltd.
The Oilcon guys had inherited dated business branding when they purchased their business and needed to give it a fresh and modern makeover. They were'nt after anything too flashy, but wanted a look that reflected "where they had come from", having both been in the oil industry for many years. At the same time they wanted a hint of "Kiwi", just because they're good patriotic Kiwi's.
We put our creative thinking gear on and came up with a concept that ticked all their boxes. Oilcon love their new look and are excited to show it to the world!
We love happy smiley customers and we're wrapped that Oilcon love their styley new logo!
Whakapā mai me ka hiahia kia whakaterehia ā-matihikotia tāu pakihi!
Pae tukutuku, SEO & SEM, hoahoa atahiko, taupānga kawekawe, pūtaurima pae tukutuku – kōrero mai..