Physical Impact.
The team at Physical Impact came to us after their website hosts had shut up shop. They needed a new home - and we were happy to take them in.
Physical Impact's website was looking a little tired and needed a freshen up. More importantly the theme was hand coded, meaning you had to be able to write code in order to make even the simplest changes. That was no problem for us, but a little challenging for the Physical Impact team.
So, out with the old, in with the new. We rebuilt the website on a modern new block based theme, giving it a fresh new look while adding in a bunch of features to make the website more engaging, interactive and user friendly for Physical Impact's clients.
We're really happy with how this project came out and so are Physical Impact. Job well done..

Whakapā mai me ka hiahia kia whakaterehia ā-matihikotia tāu pakihi!
Pae tukutuku, SEO & SEM, hoahoa atahiko, taupānga kawekawe, pūtaurima pae tukutuku – kōrero mai..