TeQ came to us with some pretty big expansion plans for their online store - full rebuild with a new design and modern theme, internationally targeted country sites with the ability to add more countries as required, multi-currency, centralised stock management and an integrated customer rewards system.. Wow!
This ended up being quite a big complex project, but we got it done and delivered exactly what TeQ need to allow them to expand into Australia and beyond.
We're excited to see this Auckland based clothing brand grow into international markets and we're super stoked that we were able to build them a modern, scalable eCommerce platform to grow from.
Whakapā mai me ka hiahia kia whakaterehia ā-matihikotia tāu pakihi!
Pae tukutuku, SEO & SEM, hoahoa atahiko, taupānga kawekawe, pūtaurima pae tukutuku – kōrero mai..